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Completed studies


Computerized Cognitive Training - Expanded (CogTE study) 


This was a four-year NIH-funded study. We recruited people aged 60 years or older with a clinical condition called "Mild Cognitive Impairment." We provided computerized cognitive training to help slow cognitive and functional decline.


Click -> HERE <- for more information.

Neural mechanism of central fatigability (CF study)


This was a two-year NIH-funded study. We recruited people aged 60 with cognitively normal cognition, and used computerized tasks and fMRI to assess CF.



Click -> HERE <- for more information.


Stressful Experiences and Alzheimer's disease (ESB study)


This was a two-year Alzheimer's Association-funded project. We recruited people aged 60 years or older with following cognitive states: cognitively healthy, MCI, and mild Alzheimer's disease. We utilized a cognitive stress task protocol, and assessed MRI, ECG, and cortisol (through saliva samples).

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